A ‘legendary private banker’, according to an industry insider, Sandy Swinton survived – and prospered – for three decades at Barclays, weathering the financial crash and all that ensued.
For him, the most important thing to get right is ‘listening over selling’. He believes that far too many service providers try to sell a product or a service too early in the process: ‘It’s essential to acquire a thorough understanding of a client’s needs, objectives, aspirations, priorities and goals before the creation of a service proposition can possibly begin.’
In 2010 he was poached from Barclays by RBC and made managing director. He believes his success – and that of any wealth manager – lies in establishing common ground as soon as possible: ‘It’s a powerful and binding tool for any enduring client relationship. Engendering a strong feeling of mutual trust is also critical to the successful stewardship of any client’s affairs.’
Swinton (brother of Tilda, the famous actress) plays piano by ear and travelled extensively as a child, following his Guards General father’s postings. ‘The discovery process of what makes wealthy people tick and how they choose to spend or invest their wealth is compelling, and completely fascinating in its diversity,’ he says.