Sara Mansoori has a clear enthusiasm for the job: ‘It’s the immediacy of the results for your clients and the importance of the remedy that you can fix for them…You can save someone’s reputation in one hearing at an application,’ she says. Since being called to the bar in 1997, Mansoori has acted for a wide range of clients, including law firms, media publications and local authorities. She successfully acted for three Labour MPs in Sir Kevin Barron MP & Others v Jane Collins MEP – an important case about the assessment of libel damages following an offer to make amends – and also acted for the core participant victims in the Leveson Inquiry. ‘There wasn’t a law of privacy when I started out,’ she says. ‘It’s astounding to think the law of privacy has developed during my career at the bar and is now the preferred course for a lot of clients.’ Recently she’s been acting for ZXC in ZXC v Bloomberg, a matter pertaining to the rights of criminal suspects in relation to the expectation of privacy. The case is due for trial in 2018. Mansoori is also keenly aware of the way in which this area of the law is changing. ‘Yesterday’s news used to be tomorrow’s chip paper,’ she says, ‘but that’s not the case any more. There’s a permanent footprint in search engines.’ This only makes Mansoori’s work more important.