The seventh-generation head of Weatherby’s Private Bank was praised for imbuing it with ‘definite mojo’ at the 13th edition of the Spear’s Wealth Management Awards, reports Arun Kakar
The chief executive of Weatherbys Bank and Weatherbys Private Bank, Roger Weatherby, paid tribute to ‘two-and-a-half-centuries-worth’ of ‘team effort’ when he accepted the Outstanding Achievement award at this year’s Spear’s Wealth Management Awards.
Hosted by Sky News economics editor Ed Conway, the event saw more than 350 figures from business, finance, law and luxury gather to celebrate achievement across the asset management, banking and private client fields at Skinners’ Hall in the heart of the City of London.
The award, which is given to an individual chosen by the Spear’s editorial board for a unique achievement, contribution or performance, was given to Weatherby’s leadership of the firm, which the judges described as ‘going through a modern renaissance’.
The bank, which the judges said was ‘behaving with boundless brio’, was founded in 1770 and has an impressive pedigree in horse racing. It administers racing under contract from the British Horseracing Authority and provides a number of services to racecourses, owners, trainers, breeders and enthusiasts. Its private bank was founded in 1994.
‘The firm is rich in history, but now feels modern, unstuffy and has definite mojo,’ noted the judges, who remarked that Weatherby’s leadership was in full display at the private bank’s Creating the Future conference last month, which they said was ‘evidence of real vision, and boasted astonishing speakers of breadth and urgency’.
Weatherby described the event, which included speakers such as Observer journalist Carole Cadwalladr and Extinction Rebellion co-founder Dr Gail Bradbrook, as a ‘real step into the unknown’.
In a stirring speech, Weatherby reserved his strongest words for the issue of climate change.
‘Companies, investors, regulators, governments; it’s going to affect the personal wealth of our clients and the wellbeing of us all if we get this wrong,’ he told the audience.
‘This is the room of the educated, the successful, the well-connected, and in these extraordinary times, it requires your extraordinary skills because every single one of us needs to come a part of the answer.’
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