With 20 years of classic car auction experience, including ten years running RM Sotheby’s European division which he founded, Max Girardo founded Girardo & Co in June 2016.
‘I wanted to combine the marketing and contact base I have and take the higher end of the market and give a more tailored service to attend to the needs of fewer clients better,’ says Girardo. ‘Dealing with fewer cars, we have a lot more time. If you research a car properly you can add real monetary value. Don’t come to us if you want the cheapest, but it’ll be the best we can source.’
A recent high point was selling a Ferrari 250 LM. ‘It took a long time to track them all down, decide which one was best, call the owners and negotiate a purchase,’ he explains. ‘It was a very complicated and satisfying transaction. And we had a very happy client at the end.’
Girardo’s focus has been mainly on postwar cars up to modern-day super cars, which is where the market is the most active. ‘Post-1950s cars are easier to relate to,’ he says. ‘For someone collecting or coming into the market, it’s probably more interesting and fun to have a 1960s Ferrari than a 1930s Lagonda, which is more formal and not as sexy.’