The awards of the Young British Foodies have been gaining momentum over the past few years, championing new talent and grass-roots movements in the F&B world. But while it’s all well and good giving awards for the best baker or chef, sometimes it is hard to understand why certain people have won when you haven’t seen – or tasted – what they have done.
That’s why the Young British Foodies have joined forces with Tate Modern to offer a YBF menu every Friday and Saturday from today until 6 December in the sixth floor restaurant. The menu combines dished created by YBF winner Tomos Parry with ingredients provided by YBF award-winning producers.The menu includes duck from meat winner Tim Matthews of the Artisan Smokehouse in Suffolk, argan oil from honorary winner Dana Elemara, creator of Arganic, as well as numerous other ingredients from shortlisted and winning entries.
I tried the menu yesterday with Tomos and he explained how he has tried to bring Welsh ingredients onto the menu – from leeks to lamb – to reflect his heritage. He mentioned just how rarely Welsh ingredients are championed and hopes to change that with his new restaurant, Kitty Fisher’s in Mayfair, which promises to be quite the Gallic mash up, what with Irish owners, Basque influence and a Welsh chef.
The Tate collaboration aims to highlight its commitment to championing emerging food and drink talent, while remaining true to their ethos of supporting seasonal, British cooking.
The Tate are interesting as they are the only – to my knowledge – gallery that have an in-house catering department, which allows them to take part in exciting initiatives such as this. They can also pair food with carefully selected wine recommendations from their award-winning sommelier, Hamish Anderson.
The menu isn’t the cheapest in the world with three courses coming in at £47.50, but this does include a welcome cocktail, coffee, bread from the E5 Bakery and that wonderful view of St Paul’s and the Thames.
Bookings are by telephone only: +44 (0)20 7401 5103