What would your other career be?
Creating start-up companies.
Who is your greatest influence?
My mother and my wife (they’re two different people, I’m pleased to say).
What is your biggest fear?
What is missing in the world?
In a year, the UK economy will be…
Stronger, and more stable, I hope.
Is business a pleasure?
How many assistants do you have?
A small number of loyal assistants.
Who makes your shirts?
I don’t know. All I hope is they are ethically produced.
Philanthropy should be…
In your blood.
My business mantra is…
Finish everything early.
Who do you have on speed-dial?
No one.
Which watch do you wear?
I don’t have one.
Where do you summer?
Favourite hotel suite?
Tenuta di Ricavo in Tuscany.
When I drive, I drive…
I rarely drive, but when I do I want it to be easy and safe.
Money lets me…
I don’t have wealth — it’s hard in architecture.
My greatest success in business was…
Developing a sustainable practice.
My greatest failure in business was…
Taking projects which never materialised.
What is your guilty pleasure?
I’m sad to say I don’t have one.
Where are you right now?
At my desk in Euston.
Which restaurant is indispensable?
Our kitchen at home.
Where are you happiest?
At home with my family.
How did you earn your first pay cheque?
Mowing lawns in the summer.
To me, wealth means…
Sharing it.
Spear’s is sharp and to the point. I am…
Decisive and open.
John McAslan + Partners is opening a small design studio in Tottenham to help regenerate the area, offering local young people apprenticeships which will help them explore career opportunities