Described as a ‘true pro’ by industry peers (and ‘the godfather of modern financial public relations’ by the press), Sir Alan Parker chairs Brunswick, the communications powerhouse founded in 1987 and now spread across 15 countries and 24 offices. The firm may advise the likes of Thomson Reuters, Burberry and some of the world’s wealthiest families, but his career in communications was never a given: his earliest jobs included managing a rock band and manning an oil rig. Parker’s big break came when he scuppered Lord Hanson’s plans to take over ICI. Today, Brunswick retains more FTSE 100 clients than any competitor. ‘Tenacious, committed and inspiring, Sir Alan is the key driver behind one of the world’s most respected and successful communications firms,’ says an industry heavyweight. ‘Enormously gifted, he possesses the innate ability to read between the lines, cut to the chase and deliver desired outcomes for clients time and time again.’ ‘I tip my hat,’ says another leading competitor. Knighted for his services to business and philanthropy in 2014, Parker was appointed chair of Save the Children International in 2016.