Spear’s meets Lucy Barber, head of Forsters’ growing property arm for her insights into private client service
What do you aim to do for clients, and what sets you apart from other advisers in your field?
Our aim is to ensure that our clients receive expert and sound advice, as well as feeling that they have the support and reassurance that their matters are being dealt with efficiently, with their best interests being our primary focus.
What makes us different, is that we can advise our clients on all aspects of their property transaction so that they can receive expert advice, not just on the core residential nature of their property transaction, but also specialist advice on any tax, construction, planning and finance related issues because of the breadth of expertise available from our brilliant colleagues.
How would you describe the character of your firm?
I joined the firm as a trainee and as someone that’s been here for just short of two decades, I can attest to our firm’s unique combination of technical excellence and collegiate friendly culture. Whilst we have grown significantly over this period, we have stayed true to these values; we genuinely care about each other and our clients. There is a real feeling of being part of a team to make sure clients get the advice and outcomes they want. We also ensure that everyone who works at Forsters receives the training and support they need to become the best they can be, and to also be happy and enjoy what they do.
What first drove you to pursue your current career path?
I studied law and business studies at University and it soon became apparent that the Legal side of my degree was where my interest really lay and so I dropped the Business Studies part and converted to the LLB course.
What has been the most memorable moment of your career?
Probably working a 41-hour day on a very large project during my junior years. We had to get several thousand leases engrossed and I helped amalgamate them and then bind them all. There was a real camaraderie, someone went out and got us all toothbrushes and there was lots of bacon sandwiches and pizza! I am also now an expert at binding documents as a result!
What is your biggest professional achievement?
Becoming a partner at Forsters, I was the first trainee at Forsters that became a partner.
What is your favourite thing about your job?
The people, my clients and my colleagues. I have worked with, and for, some amazing people over the years and they have all had an impact on me professionally and personally and have influenced the lawyer and person I am today.
What is the hardest thing about your job?
Planning my working day. One of the things l like the most about my job is that no one day is the same as another due to the variety of work, people and matters I deal with, as well as being the group managing partner, but it does mean that you just never know where the day is going to take you.
What do you like to do when you’re not working?
Spending time with my family, walking and running.
Find out more about Lucy’s practice via the Spear’s 500, the reimagined, reinvigorated digital incarnation of our 672-page directory. Advisers in the Spear’s database can be filtered by location, expertise, client type, and many more attributes. Spears500.com is the ultimate tool for HNWs to find an adviser that precisely matches their needs.