5-6 large eggs, preferably Italian
600g ’00’ pasta flour
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
500g punpkin (rind on)
1 white onion
50g grated parmesan
1 mustard pear, chopped (optional)
4 amaretti biscuits, chopped
100g butter
For the dough
1. Combine the flour with a pinch of salt in a food mixer
2. Whisk the eggs with a squirt of olive oil and add slowly to the flour and salt in a mixer
3. Once the mixture is sticking to the side of the bowl, the dough should be ready to knead.
4. Turn the dough on to a well-floured work surface and knead for 10 minutes, or until smooth.
5. Cover with cling film and let rest in the fridge for at least one hour.
1. Season the pumpkin wedges with salt, sugar and pepper.
2. Wrap in tin foil and bake in a medium oven for 45 minutes, or until the flesh is cooked through.
3. Remove the tin foil and scrape the flesh from the rind.
4. Place the pumpkin flesh in a muslin bag and hang over a bowl and allow to drain for at least 5 minutes (you can do this overnight in the fridge if you have time).
5. Finely slice the white onion and sweat in a pan. Once soft, add the drained pumpkin flesh and cook off any remaining water.
6. Season well and press through a passoire or a fine sieve. Leave to cool.
7. Once cool, add half the amaretti biscuits, parmesan, and mustard pear if using. Season to taste.
8. Roll out the dough and make the tortelli.
9. Blanche them in boiling salted water for 30 seconds, then plunge into iced water.
10. Melt the butter in a pan and cook until bubbling and just beginning to brown, season with salt and add the chopped sage.
11. Re-boil the tortelli for 4 minutes in well salted water.
12. Drain and add to the browned butter and turn gently to coat.
13. Transfer to warmed plates and finish with the remaining amaretti biscuits.