The lovely folk at The Providores have rustled up a spiced hot chocolate to make sure you are nice and toasty this weekend.
Best thing about it – it is super simple to do, simply heat all the ingredients gently in a mug. Even the most gastronomically inept can manage this.
Spiced Hot Chocolate
Ground blend of equal parts of ground cinnamon/cloves & nutmeg
25ml chocolate sauce
200ml Hot Milk
Heat all ingredients over low heat & pour into mug, sprinkle with some left over spice (so milk doesn’t burn)
Adults – Add a shot of Gingerbread Liqueur for a kick.
To really top things off why not try one of La pâtisserie des rêves’s alternative mini Bûche de Noël alongside – lighter than a mince pie and more in keeping with the chocolate theme.
Happy Christmas!