Looking forward to the week ahead? We keep you posted on what the coming days have in store, including events of interest, upcoming adventures and insights from the next edition of the magazine
I’m looking forward to going to Leeds on Friday evening for my article in the next issue about social investment. Believe it or not, I’m going to watch old people do an aerobics class. Over the weekend – my first time in Leeds – I’m going go to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and get muddy amid Roger Hiorns’ blue-crystal-encrusted room (pictured above) and Josephsohn’s figures.
Josh Spero
Whether modern art is your thing or not, the London Art Fair, which displays modern British and contemporary art from around 120 galleries, certainly makes for an interesting viewing. And it’s particularly convenient if, like me, you happen to live in north/east London. This year, the fair is taking place from 15 to 19 January in the Business Design Centre in Islington (pictured below) – which in itself is worth a visit. The 6,000 square metre Grade II listed building, formerly the old Royal Agricultural Hall, has impressive large white domed ceilings which beautifully offset the vibrant, colourful artwork adorning the walls of the massive exhibition arena.
Chlo’ Barrow

I thought planning a move so soon in the new year was hard enough, so spare a thought for the professionals for whom finding a spacious one bed in central London is a birthday cake compared to some of the briefs they’ve dealt with. Preparing for the next index on property advisers I’ve been privy to a world where dealing in multi millions for UK estates, personal fiefdoms and private islands with international airports is normality.
Alex Matchett
French President Fran’ois Hollande is expected to give a press conference on the state of the economy (which is worrying the EU) and how he intends to fix it (which worries the country’s HNWs, afraid new taxes may be coming). Of course, questions about his alleged affair with actress Julie Gayet, as reported by gossip magazine Closer, and the admission of Hollande’s partner Valerie Trierweiler to a hospital in Paris during the weekend are likely to be asked instead.
Giulia Cambieri