In Spear’s best of the weekend news, Michelle Young talks about her high-profile acerbic divorce, scientists find children of affluent parents are experiencing mentals disorders and Britain’s newest pedigree dog
‘My £300m guide to clawing back every penny from your lying cheat of a husband!’ In Britain’s biggest divorce case, HE says he’s broke and SHE’S a ‘greedy cow’. But now the wife scents victory and here’s why… (The Mail)
It’s already the most colourful divorce case in British legal history – and it promises to be the most expensive. For seven years, Michelle Young, 49, has pursued her property developer husband Scot, claiming he has hidden billions of pounds in a complex web of offshore trusts and companies

Pictured above: Judy Murray
Pushy parents damage rich kids (Sunday Times)
Scientists found that the children of affluent parents were experiencing surging levels of neuroses, including eating disorders, drug abuse and criminal behaviour.
A look beyond the Twitter IPO finds rot beneath the gloss of recovery (Guardian)
With a $30bn valuation for an unprofitable company, the economy seems to be improving. This is not the case for all

How Hipsters Ruined Paris (NY Times)
The northern edge of Paris’s Ninth Arrondissement, near the Place Pigalle, was once known as “la Nouvelle-Athènes,” both for the neo-Classical flourishes of its most graceful blocks and for the creative geniuses who swept in to inhabit them
Meet Britain’s newest pedigree dog (Telegraph)
The Portuguese pointer becomes Britain’s newest pedigree dog, the latest in a series of foreign imports