Author: by Stephen Hill

Empress Angela Merkel, leader of the New Holy Roman Empire headquartered in Berlin, arrives in London today to address both Houses of Parliament, dine with HM Queen Elizabeth II and probably end up with a pub luncheon in David Cameron’s Witney for a local re-election photo-op…
She invited David Cameron and family to her Schloss Merkelburger, you will recall, late last year for ‘private discussions’. No communiqué was issued, but the outcome is what is about to be revealed now.
Read more on Angela Merkel and business in Germany from Spear’s
David Cameron is trying to add some meat to his idea of negotiating a reversal of some undefined powers from the EU, and so is pleading with the new Empress; Merkel wants the UK in, to help balance her thrust eastwards and to prevent the French going protectionist.
Unless David Cameron can get out of the EU’s ‘Clause Four-type’ clinchers – qualified majority voting, EU law as primary, the European Banking Authority being told to get lost, control of our UK borders is for the UK only etc – then Farage, as he well knows, is set to eat him alive on 22 May.
Read more by Stephen Hill from Spear’s
The trouble with David Cameron is that he has lost the old Conservative Party and its election-winning team of Thatcherite volunteers of a certain age. He lost his own credibility too, when he reneged on his election promise to hold a Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
And the only thing we can guarantee about the ‘promised’ referendum in 2017, is that David Cameron won’t be in Number 10.
Nobody believes a word he says anyway, on renegotiating powers already ceded to the EU by a long list of so-called Conservatives: Heath, Hurd, Clarke, Heseltine, Howe – a list of traitors, as it happens, which includes all those who stabbed Thatcher in the back – yes, the Ghost of Heath was there. Now little David Cameron is about to join them by default, by trying belatedly to undo the damage they have caused.
So, be on your guard as you read the weasel words and worn-out old EU clichés this week – ‘We need to stand together, our future is ever closer union, jobs, harmonisation, the wonderful euro…’ – likely to emanate from Number 10 and the Foreign Office this week.
Merkel knows that David Cameron won’t be there in 2017, but she needs him now.