On the morning of Obama’s electoral victory, we looked back at some of our Spear’s coverage of the US, offering insights on wealth, luxury and business in one of the wealthiest, and most influential, countries in the world

On the morning of Obama’s electoral victory, we looked back at some of our Spear’s coverage of the US, offering insights on wealth, luxury and business in one of the wealthiest, and most influential, countries in the world:
Why Americans Expatriate — And Is It Worth It?
It’s legal for US citizens to renounce their nationality — though the government can’t imagine why any God-fearing person would do so and has made the process a tax nightmare, says Josh Spero
What Should UK Family Offices Be Learning From The US?
While the UK’s family offices stick to investment management, across the Atlantic the entrepreneurial spirit is being nourished and encouraged. Freddy Barker begins our US special with a look at what the British are doing to catch up with their cousins
Wealth Insight: More Millionaires Under Obama
The number of US millionaires has grown by 29% during the first 3 years of President Obama’s term, despite the effects of the global financial crisis.
US Special
We are delving into the American wealth scene: it is still the most powerful in the world.
Them and Us: The American Invasion of British High Society
America rules British lives. Far more than the Euro-conspiracy.
Best of the West
Predictions that Los Angeles will become the next capital of the art world have so far come to nothing — but is that about to change, asks Anthony Haden-Guest
Luxury on the Prairie at Montana’s Ranch at Rock Creek
With handsome herds and five-star frills, it’s easy to feel at home on the range at Montana’s magnificent Ranch at Rock Creek. This place has got serious whoa factor, says John Arlidge
A New Hugh
Hugh Warrender rediscovers his cheekbones and kisses his love handles goodbye at the spartan Ashram in California
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