Interviews and panel discussions from the 2021 Spear’s Wealth Insight Forum in association with The Red Sea Development Company are now available to watch on-demand
This year, the Spear’s Wealth Insight tackled some of the most important issues in the world of wealth, and featured a host of experts on topics from wealth management to luxury.
All panel discussions are now available to watch on-demand, free of charge. Click on the panel below to watch at your leisure.
There are more billionaires in the UK and the rest of the world than ever before. But, in 2021 and beyond, what are the implications of being among the world’s wealthiest people, as societies grapple with inequality, tax policy and low economic growth? Leading experts considered this fundamental question – and what it means for investing, succession planning, tax and structuring, philanthropy and reputation. Watch here.
For UHNWs, the concept of national identity is becoming more fluid; the consequences of citizenship more important. An industry has sprung up in response to the demand for global mobility, which has only been heightened by the pandemic. But recent developments in Cyprus and Malta, and the complicated interplay between the European Union and its member states, mean that the space is set to evolve significantly. What does that mean for international HNWs whose interests and heritage often span the globe? Watch here.
The pandemic has had – and continues to have – a profound impact on the market for prime property, as UHNWs reconsider their priorities and the way they want to live. What does this mean for the market? And what things should the savvy prime property investor consider before and after they buy? Watch here.
The world’s wealthiest people are giving more than ever before, according to a recent report from UBS. But are they also giving intelligently? And is ‘giving’ – and the model of philanthropic foundations that we associate with it – really the best approach? Experts from the worlds of philanthropy, impact investing and academia discuss the best ways for UHNWs to drive change. Watch here.
What role should data play in the wealth advisory experience? How can wealth management firms forge a sense of connection with their clients? And if American wealth management businesses have stolen a march on some of their European counterparts, how can the gap be closed? Watch here.
The competition for places at the world’s top schools is fiercer than ever. As may children face increasing pressure to make the grade is the current system fit for purpose? And while it’s still the only one there is, how can parents navigate it? Watch here.
London is the international capital of divorce and family law. But what does the future hold for the way wealthy couples part? There has been a shift in recent years toward what Gwyneth Paltrow once famously referred to as ‘conscious de-coupling’. Accordingly, top law firms and barristers have developed their offerings to help couples go in that direction if they so choose. But divorcing couples cannot always ‘play nice’. And recent developments in divorce (including the rise of litigation funding, the battle for jurisdiction and the evolution of the (social) media that dictates how splits are perceived) have opened up new fronts on which to fight. Watch here.
The pandemic put our health in the spotlight. What habits and technologies are health-conscious HNWs apt to adopt? Experts on medical technology, human performance and bionics come together to sketch out the future of healthcare and wellbeing. Watch here.
Whether shopping for advice, professional services, art, clothes or cars, the HNW consumer has a unique set of expectations when it comes to the way they interact with brands, the service they receive and the quality and exclusivity of the products they buy. Experts from the worlds of luxury watches, gunmaking, wealth management and the automotive world consider what this means for the businesses that cater to this unique client base. Watch here.