‘We leave no stone unturned — that’s Quintessentially’s motto as a whole,’ says Parkinson. The concierge firm’s senior adviser recalls sending an intern to more than five Whole Foods stores across London in search of a special type of cereal for a health-conscious client.
Parkinson’s team go the distance, from gathering HNWs’ favourite flowers to stocking up their pieds-à-terre with ‘a huge shopping list of food and cosmetics’. She also recalls having to feed and walk dogs that arrive at the property before their owners, making sure they’re ‘as happy as the owner would be’. No wonder the team often receives thank yous ‘when they’re not required or called for’.
Parkinson, who was formerly at Black Brick, says it’s important to provide clients with a well-curated welcome, often after a long-haul flight: ‘It’s about making it feel like they’re coming home, rather than just to a temporary pied-à-terre.’
Clients praise the firm’s hassle-free approach and the level of service and professionalism its staff offer. One homeowner in Belgravia says: ‘Quintessentially Estates did a fantastic job setting up my home, from arranging my Sky package to stocking the fridge prior to my arrival. They really made the process of buying so easy for me.’
When not running unique errands, the ambitious Parkinson maintains her energy levels by training for triathlons.