New research from Investec Bank reveals that the value of people’s donations to charities in 2011 was 12% less than in 2010. The average donation per person dropped to £186.15
New research from Investec Bank reveals that the value of people’s donations to charities in 2011 was 12% less than in 2010. The average donation per person dropped to £186.15.
Overall, 24% of people claim to have donated less to charities in 2011 than they did in 2010. Only 11% claim to have donated more, with 53% estimating that the size of their donations stayed the same (the remaining 12% were unsure how much they will have given to charities this year).
In addition to falling donations, Investec warns that charities also have to contend with the fact that many cash deposit accounts targeted at them are paying derisory rates of return. Its research reveals that 48 in 174 accounts are paying a rate of 0.1% Gross or less on balances of £50,000 and that only 9% are paying 2% Gross AER or more.
Overall, 6% of the adult population (2.9 million people) who gave to charities in 2010 donated nothing in 2011. A similar number of people reduced the amount they donated by between 51% and 99%. In contrast only 330,000 people increased their donations by 100% or more.
On a regional basis, London had the highest percentage of people (85%) who gave to charities in 2011, compared to the North West which had the lowest (73%).
Those in London had the highest average level of donation to charities of any part of the UK (£420.20) compared to those in the East Midlands which had the lowest (£82.03 per person).

Investec commissioned the research company Research Plus to interview 2,011 people between 11th and 15th November 2011.