We’ve gone through the weekend papers and picked out the best bits, so you don’t have to
1. The Bitcoin believers, FT (£)
A growing band of young evangelists believe virtual currency Bitcoin is the economic future. But how long before regulation catches up with them?
2. The NSA has us snared in its trap – and there’s no way out, Observer
A boycott of Facebook, Microsoft, Google et al is easy to talk about, but almost impossible to achieve

Bitcoin believers
3. The Gift of Doubt, The New Yorker
Albert O. Hirschman and the power of failure.
On a stand-up tour of India, where comedic art is in its infancy, the British performer sees her act vetted by the moral police
5. A good egg, The Sunday Times (£)
Serena Kutchinsky watched as her father, Paul (above), set out to make world’s biggest, most stunning egg — one to rival Fabergé’s creations. He was a top jeweller with fabulously wealthy clients. What could possibly go wrong?
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