What has been making visitors to spearswms.com click?
What has been making visitors to spearswms.com click? Turns out it’s Kate Middleton’s embarrassing uncle (and our writer’s embarrassing pair of uncles), the rise of Chinese property as recorded in the new Knight Frank Wealth Report and a divorce case with potentially huge ramifications.
1. Kate Middleton isn’t the only one with an embarrassing uncle
More than twenty years on I still remember situations involving not one but two uncles which left me utterly mortified
2. Knight Frank Wealth Report 2013: Singapore property slung, China rising
Over five years, Singapore’s prime international residential market is down 2.9 per cent. In contrast, Hong Kong’s is up 36 per cent
3. Withers: Prest v Prest verdict may pierce the corporate veil in divorce cases
The aspect of the Court of Appeal Judgment that caught most attention was the apparent use of complex structures to avoid divorce pay outs
4. Sitwell Scoffs: Ametsa with Arzak Instruction
Every dish – beautiful-looking plates of decorative food – all have merged into one in my mind. Very little stood out

5. Review: The Great Gatsby, Wilton’s Music Hall
I had a sneaking suspicion many of the audience would be dressed up, so I pulled a shift dress out of my wardrobe, stuck a feather in my hair and hot-footed it down to Tower Bridge
And the best of the blogs
1. Forbes Billionaires List shows boom time at the top
Amancio Ortega is 2013’s biggest riser, having watched his fortune swell from $19.5 billion to $57 billion on account of a c.60 per cent stake in clothing retailer Inditex
2. On International Women’s Day, some inspiring and some troubling pieces from the Spear’s archive
It makes sense for Spear’s to share some of our pieces from the archive featuring inspiring women and covering causes important to women (which are then of course important to everyone)
3. The strange case of the unforged forged will
Take the case of the hapless lady accused of forging her late (supposedly divorced) partner’s will, found by chance when he seemingly died intestate
Read more from the Spear’s Monday Catch-up
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