Author: Romy van den Broeke
In the words of G. Bruce Boyer – the late fashion editor for Town & Country and renowned authority on men’s fashion – “It is both delusional and stupid to think that clothes don’t really matter and we should all wear whatever we want. Most people don’t take clothing seriously enough, but whether we should or not, clothes do talk to us and we make decisions based on people’s appearances.”
Dan Rookwood
US Editor at MR PORTER
“Deep v-neck muscle t-shirts. We get it. You spend a lot of time grunting in a gym. You want to show people how big and strong you are. What you’re actually showing everyone is that you are a bit of a tool. Well done you.”
Teo van den Broeke
Associate Editor at British Esquire
“The worst style mistake that British men seem to make almost religiously, is wearing cheap, pointy winklepicker-esque shoes. They also seem hell bent on wearing these heinous elf boots with boot-cut jeans. Inexcusable.”
Apphia Michael
Online Fashion Editor at Wallpaper* magazine
“Worst style mistake made by men for me that has to be trousers/jeans tucked into boots! Oh, and too-tight shiny black shirts – why? In my opinion only catering staff and Peter Barlow from Coronation Street should be seen in these.”
Charlie Casely-Hayford
Menswear designer and co-founder of brand Casely-Hayford
“Wearing a suit jacket that doesn’t cover your bum is a style mistake I see too often. It’s the one part of your body that you can’t see, but everyone else can. It’s not very flattering or attractive and is one of the deceptive things in menswear that can look okay from the front, but more often that not it is a different story from behind. Even if you are after a contemporary fit, always try and look for something that balances your proportions.”
James Massey
Managing Director at luxury PR agency, The Massey Partnership
“Trousers – I cannot stand trousers that are too long, bunching at the bottom around the ankles. It just looks entirely sloppy. You obviously spent some money on the suit and after the age of 18 you tend not to get any taller, so why not take 5 minutes to ensure that they actually fit you before you leave the shop. A small break around the ankle is perfect. Not a scrunched up table cloth.”
Paul White
Bespoke Tailor at Cad & the Dandy
“Men who wear trainers with their suit on their way to work. I have managed to wear formal shoes to work every single day of my London working life and had no issue. If they’re uncomfortable take whatever you have spent on the trainers and add it to the price of your shoes and you may be able to find something to fit you properly! As an added bonus you make yourself look like an oversized schoolboy by throwing on that lovely Northface rucksack with a water bladder built in. Are you really that thirsty on the way in? I mean I guess it matches the trainers but for god sake. A suit deserves leather both in your hands and on your feet.”
Helena lee
Assistant Features Editor at Harper’s Bazaar UK
“Doing up the top button on a casual shirt if you don’t wear it with confidence. Not everyone can pull this off.”
Jessica Punter
Style & Grooming Editor at British GQ
“Bad shoes. Nothing kills it for me like a square toed, cheap shoe with a boot cut jean. As neatly demonstrated here by a like-minded blogger with similar ire for the combination: jeansandsheux.tumblr.com“
Philippa Price
Co-founder and Designer of menswear brand, Guns Germs $teal
“I think deep V neck T-shirts are disgusting, as are bucket hats. Oh, and anyone who is trying way too hard to look like Kanye West, it’s not a good look.”