UKIP is not yet rattling Brussels’ cage full of unelected eurocrats, but UKIP is spawning lookalikes across Europe, which now undoubtedly are
Analysis of UKIP’s vote at Eastleigh is revealing: 25% came from existing UKIP voters, 25% from those who had stopped or never started voting, 33% from the Tories and 17% from Old Tax-and-Spend Labour. The party is gaining a pan-electorate following under the charismatic Nigel Farage MEP.
UKIP is not yet rattling Brussels’ cage full of unelected eurocrats, but UKIP is spawning lookalikes across Europe, which now undoubtedly are. And Angela Merkel in her shiny new chancellery in Berlin is suffering the indignity of beginning to have her chain pulled quite regularly.
Let me explain further. The Free Voter won 10% of the Bavarian vote, forcing the Social Christians to demand a Cameron-like referendum on transfer of powers to the EU. And now the new IfD Party – Independence for Deutschland – is starting, and advocating UKiP-type withdrawal.
In leaderless France, Marin Le Pen’s Front National has 18% of the vote, and is carefully dumping its BNP-like baggage and demanding EU-withdrawal and looking more electable each day the Euro-depression drags on.

Meanwhile in Italy Beppe Grillo’s Grillini took 25% of the vote, and Berlusconi is adopting an increasingly anti-euro stance too. Austria’s Freedom Party wants to join Switzerland outside the EU. Holland and Denmark have anti-EU parties gaining ground. And the anti-EU parties in Greece have decided to lie Doggo, but only as long as they are given a €100.0 billion bone every year for their silence!
The January Eurobarometer Survey records that only 30% of the wider electorate has a positive view of the unwieldy EU, and its ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Boratkini of a single currency. With 25 million unemployed and just about everywhere in recession, with the UK about to triple-dip, it’s surprising that it has any support at all, except among the dreaming constructivist and the bureaucrats with their non-taxable salaries and pensions.
All of which should make the eurocrats tremble, but as they are as unaccountable as they are unelectable, they will just cruise on their own pre-determined flight path to Erewhon.
The ‘No’ votes of the Irish and French were just ignored, so presumably they will just ignore the opinions of anyone else, until their rationalist edifice is torn apart by the civil riots, demonstrations and the markets. I would give it five-to-seven years at most.
Read more from Stephen Hill
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