Tom Kitchin, the first chef-proprietor in Scotland to be awarded a michelin star, on celebrating spring in The Kitchin, launching an exciting new business venture, and how he most likes to spend Sundays with his fast-expanding family
Tom Kitchin, the first chef-proprietor in Scotland to be awarded a michelin star, on celebrating spring in The Kitchin, launching an exciting new business venture, and how he most likes to spend Sundays with his fast-expanding family
THIS TIME OF year is a pretty exciting time in my kitchen as I begin to anticipate the wonders of the spring season ahead. I still get this great thrill as spring approaches and everything becomes brighter and lighter — and it really does get my heart racing to think about some of the fantastic food moments that spring brings us: the first asparagus, fresh spring greens, the first salmon of the season and a glorious selection of fresh shellfish. These are moments I genuinely treasure every year. I follow the Scottish seasons fanatically in my cooking and the seasonal food calendar shapes our menus at the restaurant each and every day.
That’s why a typical week in my restaurant,The Kitchin, will involve speaking with my many trusted suppliers on a daily basis, finding out what they have fresh that day and what they can bring me that’s bang in season. So just this week, for example, they called me offering the freshest, wonderful Scottish langoustine, and I found it hard to resist. These fantastic products are then delivered to the restaurant early in the morning and we work at creating great dishes to showcase our outstanding Scottish produce and put a smile on the faces of all of our diners that very night.
It’s hard work constantly following the seasons as we are consistently changing our menus based on what my suppliers can bring me fresh that day. But that’s the buzz of the kitchen for me, and it’s what I love about being a chef. It’s also a joy for our diners as they get to taste the very best fresh produce as well as new and exciting dishes each time they visit.

Scottish asparagus
NOT ONLY AM I working on my own menus for my Leith restaurant, The Kitchin, but I’m also creating new menus for a brand new venture with my friend and fellow chef from Castle Terrace Restaurant, Dominic Jack.
We’ve just recently announced the opening of a new pub in the Stockbridge area of Edinburgh and we’re working on getting things ready to launch in time for Spring. The management team behind The Kitchin and Castle Terrace Restaurant includes me, Dominic, my wife Michaela and our food and beverage director Philippe Nublat. We all share the same vision and passion for great food, drink and hospitality, so it’s an unbelievably exciting time as we develop our plans for the new place.
I feel incredibly lucky to have such a strong team around me and we’re all thrilled about the new project. Not only will the pub offer first class, relaxed, family-friendly dining, we are also aiming to use the pub as a training ground for young chefs, to support them and mentor them.

Dominic and I have always been big believers in finding talent and giving young chefs an opportunity to grow. The new pub will be a great chance to put this into practice and offer staff a steppingstone into the industry and a chance to learn about working with fresh, seasonal produce.
Tom Kitchin at work
LIFE IS A bit of a juggling act for us and not only are my wife Michaela and I working hard to make sure the restaurant is constantly delivering an outstanding experience to our guests, there are always other projects on the go as well. I guess we just love it that way, although it does mean we hardly ever sit still.
My wife Michaela is a huge part of the business, but between us, we also run after our two young boys. Our family is also about to get that little bit busier too with twins due in Spring. Every day we’re both up early getting our boys to nursery before a day at the restaurant, and I think it will be even more crazy getting four young ones ready in the morning.
Sundays however, when the restaurant is closed, it is all about family time for us. This weekend, we were busy with our eldest son Kasper’s birthday party.
Our boys Kasper and Axel had such a fun day with friends and family, dressed up in little mini Batman and Robin costumes for Kasper’s ‘superhero party’. I just love watching the kids enjoy themselves, and although too much cake and too many toys have now been added to the Kitchin household, I must agree that it was a fun weekend.
One of my favourite Sunday pastimes is also to play five aside football in the local park with the teams from The Kitchin and Castle Terrace. I know the staff enjoy getting a chance to tackle me more than anything else and, although I’m often pretty bruised all over my legs on the Sunday night, It is really good fun.
After a day out with the family, or football with the boys, I really relish the chance to enjoy some great food on a Sunday. I love to cook up a delicious roast pork dinner for the family or invite some friends over. Sundays are just great to have some leisurely time, and it is always so nice to catch up on the week and spend time at the house. Nothing gets you set up for the week more than a hearty, warming roast dinner. A great ending to a busy week.
Tom Kitchin is chef and owner of The Kitchin
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