PR powerhouse Parker, who is friends with Gordon Brown and the Camerons, chairs the 850-strong private partnership and communications firm, which has 24 offices in fourteen countries.
The firm has more than a third of the FTSE 100 companies as clients (more than any competitors) and advises the likes of Thomson Reuters, BA, Burberry, Newcastle United and some of the world’s wealthiest families on a range of reputation issues: crisis management, employee communications, public affairs and corporate campaigns.
Having managed a rock band and manned an oil rig in his early days, Parker was brought into the fledgling financial PR world by his father, then a fledgling industry riding the wave of the takeover boom in 1981. His big break came in 1987 when he scuppered Lord Hanson’s plans to take over ICI. He founded Brunswick in 1987 and hired David Brewerton, City editor of the Times, to set his business firmly on its way to success.
He was knighted in 2014 for his services to business and philanthropy, and was recently made the chair of Save the Children International.