Upcycling involves repurposing cheap or second-hand materials into luxury goods: from newspaper scraps to firemen’s hoses, old is new again
Upcycling involves repurposing cheap or second-hand materials into luxury goods: from newspaper scraps to firemen’s hoses, old is new again

Anathema Designs’ jewellery is made from industrial washers, anathemadesigns.co.uk
Elvis & Kresse turn fire hoses into resilient and stlyish accessories, elvisandkresse.com
Max the Bath Tub Chaise by Reestore gives a new meaning to ‘sitting in the tub’, reestore.com
Yesterday’s newspapers are today’s lightshades if Jay Watson has his way, jaywatsondesign.co.uk
Anathema photograph by Robert Bedson (www.north-light.co.uk); Newspaper Light courtesy Jay Watson
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