At a grand a pop (what you agreed to pay the winner of your contest), you are well in the territory to buy some great, meaningful A.R.T. in its own right
NY Mag says: “Saltz Challenges: Produce a Perfect Faux Gerhard Richter Painting, and I’ll Buy It.”
I say: “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, from the incessant photos I always saw you snapping in decades past you yearned to be an artist. Didn’t you study painting in Chicago?
“Now you’ve concocted a human fabrication machine to make Saltzes vis-à-vis ersatz schmaltzes (Richter, Hirst, Guyton copies), a conceptual ruse no doubt.
“But to be frank, at a grand a pop (what you agreed to pay the winner of your contest), you are well in the territory to buy some great, meaningful A.R.T. in its own right, and, in process, you can put your money where your fingertips are.”
Read more from Kenny Schachter
Jerry Saltz’s fake Richter pictured below: Why not have real crap instead of fake crap for same price?

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