Dominique Strauss-Kahn has never been anything but a trumped up, poor excuse of a man of of affaires
Dominique Strauss-Kahn has never been anything but a trumped up, poor excuse of a man of of affaires, now an unfortunate double entrendre. In French circles, outside the liberal media, he is described as ‘gauche caviar,’ a more pleasing and plangent expression than the British ‘champagne socialist’.
His “le Seducteur” character was in classic arrogant French style, amusing in the privileged and debauched parlours of the 6th and 7th arrondissements, whose powerful denizens served to conceal its increasingly sinister side.
It is testimony to morally corrupt haute Parisian elites to insist that he must have been set up, for denial is necessary to validate the lie. At Versailles they resorted to wigs, makeup and perfume to distract the eye from ugliness; now they simply ignore the truth. It will be a rude shock for these elites and Mr Strauss-Kahn to have their morality questioned by Anglo-Saxon due process of law; the bewildered look on the face of DSK at his arraignment was one of a man who does not understand how his conduct could be frowned upon.

It is this Gallic hypocrisy which holds up this mediocre socialist financier, who participated in the debilitation of the Republic’s financial and social fabric under the disastrous administrations of cynical socialist Francois Mitterrand and the Trotskyite Jospin, as brilliant and a saviour. For once, the truth will out. 1-0 to the hardworking, honest and decent middle class! A centralising, tax-hiker and bureaucratic proponent of wealth redistribution has been removed from the scene. I say, good riddance.