Despite rumours to the contrary, portly Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke will not receive rough justice at the next reshuffle
Despite newsaper rumours to the contrary, portly and sometimes importunate Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke will not receive rough justice at the next reshuffle. Cameron is keen to keep him in order to check the now runaway ambition of Home Secretary Theresa May, whose public slap down of Clarke’s decision to differentiate between types of rape has made her the sweetheart of the Right, with some Tory MPs even comparing her to Baroness Thatcher.
The fact is that Mr Cameron agrees with Clarke’s remarks on some types of rape being worse than others. (Indeed, it is one of the saner observations the sometimes sleepy Europhile has ever made.)

One surprise demotion, however, may be Baroness Warsi, the Muslim Tory Party Chairman. Despite her recent low profile and personal attempts to ingratiate herself with the prime minister, she signed the death warrant on her political career by breaking an unbreakable rule of the Cameron regime: that all but the most anodyne statements be cleared first with Downing Street.
Lady Warsi failed to consult Number 10 before she made her startling remarks about Muslim-bashing being acceptable ‘dinner party conversation,’ causing Dave to view her as a liability. In the near future, she may fnind herself spending more time at the dinner table – at home.