The chef and restaurateur faces the Spear’s inquisition
Q. What would your other career be?
A. Artist/painter.
Q. Who is your greatest influence?
A. My mother.
Q. What is your biggest fear?
A. Snakes.
Q. What is missing in the world?
A. More peace, patience and compassion.
Q. In a year, the economy will be…
A. I hope the economy will improve.
Q. Is business a pleasure?
A. Yes, as I enjoy my work.
Q. How many assistants do you have?
A. One.
Q. Who makes your shirts?
A. Giorgio Armani.
Q. Philanthropy should be…
A. Helping others.
Q. My business mantra is…
A. Making sure my restaurants serve good food and offer good service.
Q. Who do you have on speed-dial?
A. My home.
Q. Which watch do you wear?
A. Cartier and many other quality watches.
Q. Where do you summer?
A. Hakone, Japan.
Q. Favourite hotel suite?
A. Intercontinental Hong Kong.
Q. What is your guilty pleasure?
A. Eating too much.
Q. When I drive, I drive…
A. A Mercedes.
Q. My greatest success in business was…
A. A worldwide Nobu family.
Q. My greatest failure in business was…
A. My Alaskan restaurant, which burned down in 1978.
Q. How are you right now?
A. I am very happy — I had my first grandchild nine months ago.
Q. Which restaurant is indispensable?
A. My Matsuhisa restaurant in LA — it’s like home to me.
Q. Where in the world are you happiest?
A. My home in LA, with my family and granddaughter.
Q. How did you earn your first pay cheque?
A. In Japan, as a sushi chef trainee.
Q. To me, wealth means…
A. Good health and happiness.

Q. Spear’s is sharp and to the point. I am…
A. A very peaceful person.
At the Sharp End is sponsored by Citi Private Bank