We gather the best of the weekend’s papers for you: Malala Yousafzai on her recovery; buying drugs on the internet; and the kings (and queens) of the property world
We gather the best of the weekend’s papers for you: Malala Yousafzai on her recovery; buying drugs on the internet; and the kings (and queens) of the property world
1. You saved my life (Sunday Times, £)
Shot by the Taliban in Pakistan for fighting for the right to go to school, Malala Yousafzai, 15, woke up in a British hospital, terrified, in pain, unable to talk. She tells of her astonishing recovery
2. How I bought drugs from ‘dark net’ – it’s just like Amazon run by cartels (Observer)
Last week the FBI arrested Dread Pirate Roberts, founder of Silk Road, a site on the ‘dark net’ where visitors could buy drugs at the click of a mouse. Though Dread – aka Ross Ulbricht – earned millions, was he really driven by America’s anti-state libertarian philosophy?

3. Frieze: ten tips for dealing with (or in) Contemporary art (FT, £)
The spirit of playfulness and irony that pervades the art scene of the past few years has redefined the relationship between art and its audiences. It appeals because it doesn’t ask the difficult questions. It is not even interested in them
4. The 25 most important people in the property world (Telegraph)
The most influential people in the UK property world are not necessarily the richest, nor those with more houses than anyone else. But they are the people who shape our opinions and attitudes when it comes to the business of bricks and mortar
Read more about Trevor Abrahmsohn, featured in the list
5. Waterstones can live with Amazon and stem losses, says James Daunt (Guardian)
The feelgood factor has returned to the high-street chain, but is stocking the Kindle like inviting a fox into the henhouse?
Read more from the Monday catch-up
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