Most-read on last week include pieces about internet activist Aaron Swartz, a very expensive divorce and (once again) our piece on how the wealthy can flee justice
Most-read on last week include pieces about internet activist Aaron Swartz, a very expensive divorce and (once again) our piece on how the wealthy can flee justice
1. Exclusive: US government drove internet activist Aaron Swartz to his death, says Kim Dotcom
Responding to Spear’s question after a speech via a videolink from New Zealand to a breakfast meeting at the Lanesborough, he said: ‘There was a political desire to destroy the life of this man and unfortunately they succeeded.’
2. Art13 opens with global galleries, global collectors… and Harry Styles
Fair director Stephanie Dieckvoss (pictured below) said that opening people’s eyes was key: ‘I hope that everyone sees something they’ve never seen before, or see it in a new light’
3. Vivian Imerman pays Lisa Tchenguiz £15 million on divorce
This brings to an end four years of litigation which included an extremely wide-ranging process of financial disclosure, managed by the court

4. Tom Kitchin’s roast pork recipe
The day before you want to enjoy the pork, its good to do some preparations
5. As Oscar Pistorius is granted bail, how do the rich flee justice?
Oliver Thring has investigated the rich who seek to flee justice, and learns that today you can run, but it’s harder than ever to hide.
And the best of the blogs
1. Divorce clients exploited by lawyers for financial gain, says Legal Ombudsman
The report shows that 13 per cent of clients were unhappy with their lawyers, complaining in some cases of an enormous disparity between final costs and those they had been led to expect
2. EU banker bonus curb needn’t be the death of the City
Andre Spicer reminds us that large cash bonuses are a poor way to reward complex tasks and that they can, in fact, make people perform worse
3. The million-dollar art collection in a working-class apartment
Herb and Dorothy Vogel, who spent their life together and their not-banker-size salaries on collecting art
Read more from the Spear’s Monday Catch-up
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