Cameron’s speech was a giant flop, as it means nothing, and said nothing about what powers would be up for renegotiation anyway
Cameron’s great speech on Europe, on the renegotiation of treaty powers back to the UK, and an In/Out referendum at the end of 2017, shows just how the Conservative Party has been completely neutered – destroyed even – over the European issue, all as a result of the Welsh matricides who stabbed Thatcher in the back over this most sovereign of issues – Messrs Howe and Heseltine, not forgetting Hurd the Nerd. They knew Thatcher would never have signed up for Maastricht: she had made that quite clear in her speeches in Bruges and Copenhagen.
Cameron’s speech was a giant flop, as it means nothing, and said nothing about what powers would be up for renegotiation anyway. All it has done is pile political uncertainty on top of economic uncertainty for the next five years, just as the UK stumbles into a triple-slip into the proverbial, of minus growth.
What on earth did the Conservative Party think it was doing twenty years ago, giving away sovereign powers to an untested bureaucratic and anti-democratic structure, in defiance of every lesson in our long island history? So, here we are again, retreating in exhaustion, as if from the 100-, 30- and 7-year wars! Cameron’s speech was the cop-out of a man of straw, sounding a retreat which is deferred for five years! His speech was the son of a barren maiden, a flower in the sky… a complete dream.
Read more: Britain has little to lose from leaving the EU
The referendum will only take place if Cop-out Cameron is still PM in 2017, having won the next election, which looks like long odds indeed, what with UKiP eating his lunch every day, and the useless Europhile Lib Dems as his partners. Cameron promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, but he swiftly reneged on that promise, so why would anyone trust him on this one?

Why would anyone think that a Europe, now rapidly moving towards a German-led Federal structure, be prepared to cede powers so idly granted to it by the Conservative Party, just as it is now grabbing new federalist powers? Especially now that the EU bureaucrats are attempting to take effective control of our banks, financial services and our pensions, under the guise of a banking union and financial regulation … wake up Cameron, and smell the Ersatz! These are live issues today, not 2017!
Read more: Merkel’s austerity mania will bring down the EU
The other big question mark over 2017 is whether the EU, and its eurozone, will still exist then. France, which so long championed itself as the lead-partner with Germany in the euro-dream machine, is no such thing, and is the next euro-shoe to fall. If the EU does still exist in 2017, it will have turned a deaf ear to all the civil riots, millions of unemployed, dispossessed youth, and massive debts piled up by the ECB, the ESFS, the ELS, T3, central banks, commercial banks and the states of every member except Germany, who will then be presented with the bills.
Just wait till there are riots in Berlin, when the truth is out … and the European bureaucratic dream is no more, as the nation states re-emerge as the natural structure for a Confederate Europe – “Une Europe des Patries!” – with a truly common market, defended by NATO.