It’s only a matter of time before the resilient art world picks itself up and gets on with the show, absorbing the tragic loss of art works
It’s only a matter of time before the resilient art world picks itself up by the (very high) bootstraps and gets on with the show, absorbing the physical damage and tragic loss of art works.
What I find more outrageous than the actual disaster are headlines to the effect that NY will permanently lose a chunk of galleries to the storm, Roberta Smith in NYT going so far as to ask one, on the doorsteps of a flooded gallery, whether he would close now.
Absurd. I imagine a nuclear incursion wouldn’t halt or even deter the intrepidness of the entire lot; dealers know to deal!
Read more about how Hurricane Sandy affected New York’s art scene
PS: Weird that insurance companies don’t contractually cover “Acts of God”. Well, not weird as its obviously just payout avoidance, but the very notion, as in who’s god, etc. is peculiar.
PPS: i know it’s too early for this but humor always spurred by life’s miseries. Flood-y Waters, curated by Richard Flood, works by Mark Flood, John Waters, HC Waterman and Barnaby Furnas (to dry things off).
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