At what point does client entertaining turn into bribery?
GIFT AID New laws against over-generous corporate hospitality are causing wealth managers to rethink how they win clients. Alex Matchett…
GIFT AID New laws against over-generous corporate hospitality are causing wealth managers to rethink how they win clients. Alex Matchett…
ByThe number of millionaires in Canada leapt 7.7 per cent in 2012, according to researchers who also found the group…
ByAuthor: Sam Leith The words above, as any fule kno, are what it says on Shakespeare’s tomb. If Shakespeare’s curse…
ByIn the spring of 2012, Brazilian entrepreneur Eike Batista said he could become the world’s richest man in ten years’…
ByWe bring you the best of the weekend’s papers, including Nazi looted art found in Munich, a very generous donation…
ByAuthor: Spear’s Editorial We bring you the most popular Spear’s articles from last week, including the winners of Spear’s Wealth…
ByBrazilian entrepreneur Eike Batista said he could become the world’s richest man. Fast forward a few months and things aren’t…
ByAs the economy seems to be improving, the fortunes of the private air travel industry also look to be taking…
ByAccountants have been providing financial information and strategic guidance to organisations for hundreds of years. Organisations of every size around…
BySpear’s presented awards to the most innovative, successful and entrepreneurial figures in the high net worth world this week at…
ByLast night in front of over 700 HNWs, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, wealth managers and society figures, the winners of the Spear’s…
ByAuthor: Peter Matthews From Dolly Parton to Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger to Jay Z, the highest paid recording artists in…
ByThe thriving financial investment hub of Luxembourg, the second richest country in the world, saw its economy dip just 3.6…
ByAuthor: Peter Matthews A number of famous millionaires have overcome tough hurdles before hitting the jackpot, including writer J. K.…
ByAfter exclusive social network A Small World began a purge of its members, Melinda Hughes talks to some of those…
ByThere’s that moment when you don’t know whether to shake or hug the person you’re talking to. I was with…
ByDuring his first investiture ceremony, Prince William nervously wielded the investiture sword over Andy Murray’s shoulders to dub him a…
ByIf your boat was unfortunate enough to have suffered damage during the St Jude’s storm, you will want any subsequent…
ByThe unproven long-term use of ongoing doses and overdoses of QE, along with its necessary pre-condition of ultra-low interest rates,…
ByOne expects that money can take care of most of life’s problems – but how did the wealthier parts of…